Alright i got a ton to say so hopefully ill have enough time to write it all.
so i got your package thank you so much i loved it haha. weve been going through all the music. and were only like on the 3rd one haha. idk if you put it on the cds but i wanted to show my comp the testimants of christ. and another testimant of christ. idk maybe ill go to the deseret book. and ill send back the ctr ring thing soon.
so i got to see uncle mike and he took us out to a quick lunch. and we had a pretty good talk about mission life and his mission. i really enjoyed talking to him. and we talked a little about Grandpa Bowler. i asked mike how hes doing. recently ive been strugling. ive had a lot of pent up anger towards him. mostly cuz of some of the stuff that he did to grandma. and i dont know everything that happened but i was just hurt that anyone could do that to my angel of a grandma. and im getting to a point of understanding and a point of forgiveness and letting go and moving on. holding on to that anger was only hurting me. and talking with mike kinda solidified my release of that anger. it wasnt easy at all and im still kinda iffy about it all. but talking about it helps. and ive kinda shared that with some investigators. and it ended up being perfect timing because i turned aroung and helped someone else be able to forgive someone that hurt them and it was a really spiritual moment. and in my new area weve been working with a family. they were already in progression before i came so im coming near the end of their progression but ive love being able to help them along and even tho its not very much i still feel happy for them and one is getting baptised this sunday and hopefully his wife will follow soon. their kids were baptise a while ago and theyre awesome i love their family soo much.
and ive been going through a personal rough patch. strugling lately with my teaching and my spirituality and it seems like all of my past mistakes are haunting me. when i went to bishop and told him about my life in Mesa he said i was fine since its been at least six months since ive done all that. but i never repented i just stopped.. but the sins were still there and they were still haunting me. and alot of other stuff that ive done. so its been a rough week. and i spent a ton of time on my knees and i already feel a lot better but i have a long way to go before i get to where i need/want to be in my life especially on my mission. so all i ask is pray for me. i need it. i dont want this letter to sound too depressing but yeah missions are tough and its a time for personal growth and this is my growth..
umm me and my companion are getting along so great. i love him to death and weve become such great friends. hes helped me out so much lately and i need it and hes been so great and i accidently punched him in the face to thank him for all his help... im an idiot... oh well
ive been listening to alot of confernce talks lately and i love Hollands talk "like a broken vessel" its such an amazing talk
i love the part where he says "Believe in miracles. I have seen so many of them come when every other indication would say that hope was lost. Hope is never lost. If those miracles do not come soon or fully or seemingly at all, remember the Savior’s own anguished example: if the bitter cup does not pass, drink it and be strong, trusting in happier days ahead."
i love his talk and every time i listen to it i feel the spirit so strong and it gives me streangth to never give up. i love this work and i love this church. and all the time i spend on my knees i only grow closer to my Father in heaven. i dont know where i would be without this gospel in my life but it is a scary thought. and seeing all these people who dont have it makes me appreciate it so much more in my life. i need it. without it i am lost. it is the only way for me to stay the course i need to be on and the only way i can live a truly happy life. ive had too many hard times and too many miracles to not believe in this great work. The gospel has blessed my life in more ways than i can even imagine.
and i just want to thank you mom and dad for being such amazing examples in my life and for being such amazing members of the church. i love you so much and i thank the lord for having you as my parents and for being so great.
i realized that i relate alot to Nephi. being born of goodly parents, large in stature, and even having my hard times "oh the wretched man that i am" and look at all the amazing things hes done. and i relate alot to Alma in Alma 36. going through his repentance process ive been able to relate that alot to my own life and verse 24 is the reason i am on a mission right now. even though im still going through my own process still. i love bringing people to the joy i have in this gospel. i love the happiness i feel when im progressing through repentance. this is an amazing church. i love it. and i know that it is the one true church. this is gods church and he trusts me with his work. i have grown to love the Book of Mormon with all my heart. it has so many great teachings and i have grown so much by reading it and learning from its truth.
well i have to go now but i just want you to know that i love you guys. and i miss you dearly. but i have work to do!
oh and our temple time is changing .. i dont know what time it will be yet.. still the first wednesday tho.
haha i just looked at the blog i love it i miss shep soo much i love those pictures. and i wish i could be there for all the projects haha oh well
could you guys share with me your testimony of tithing. i read a little in the blog but yeah..
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